Student Achievement Self-checking charts

These duplicatable charts allow a student to check off the alphabet or decoding work he’s done and to see other games & activities that interest him.

The teacher may want to use a highlighter to indicate–for some students–alphabet and decoding assignments that need to be worked on or practiced.

Organizing Your Early Reading Program

Organizing Your Early Reading Program: Games & Activities You Need

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Student Progress Chart

This is a student progress chart that will help you track students’ progress and also help you understand the sequence of skills to teach and the materials needed to teach those skills.

Teaching Sequence Chart (PDF)

A color-coded chart to help you see the sequence of reading skills and the materials needed to teach those skills.

The Phonograms (PDF)

Written English uses 26 letters individually and in combinations to represent the approximately 44 sounds in our spoken language.

The 1000 Most Common Words in Written English (PDF)

The following is a list of the 1,000 most common words in the English language. The words are arranged in approximate order of spelling difficulty. The first 109 words make up 50% of everything we read in English. If a beginning reader, a struggling reader or a confused reader can spell these words correctly, then they can read these words. In addition, these words contain many of the orthographic (spelling) patterns and morphemic (meaning) patterns that the child will encounter again and again. Reading success must be built on mastery of a sequence of skills and knowledge. Every first grader must know these words (or words from a similar list) to mastery. Their future reading success may depend on it.

Chapter 1: Beginning Sound Isolation (PDF)

This first chapter of my next book describes the importance of this simple, but crucial phonemic awareness task. The ability to isolate the beginning sound of a word is the developmentally appropriate point of readiness for letter-learning work to begin.

Instructions for The Blending Game (PDF)

The Blending Game is an interactive phonemic awareness activity that teaches children how to segment spoken words into individual phonemes. Segmentation is the most important beginning reading skill because it allows a child to understand how spoken and written words map onto each other and facilitates the child’s understanding of the alphabetic principle.