Each envelope or “pocket” contains a picture card and the letter cards needed to build a 5- or 6-letter short vowel word, like plant or insect. Encoding is the most direct preparation for decoding words. Materials for 32 word pockets.
Each envelope or “pocket” contains a picture card and the letter cards needed to build a 5- or 6-letter short vowel word, like plant or insect. Encoding is the most direct preparation for decoding words. Materials for 32 word pockets.
Each envelope or “pocket” contains a picture card and the letter cards needed to build a word containing a 2-letter phonogram, like goat, snail, feet, horn, ship. Materials for 32 word pockets.
Each envelope or “pocket” contains a picture card and the letter cards needed to build a long vowel silent E word, like flame, smoke, cake. Materials for 32 word pockets.
Each envelope or “pocket” contains a picture card and the letter cards needed to build a 4-letter word, like flag, drum, crab. Encoding (or building) words is the most direct preparation for decoding words. Materials for 32 word pockets.
Each envelope or “pocket” contains a picture card and 3 letter cards needed to build a short vowel word, like cup, bug, web. Encoding (or building) words is the most direct preparation for decoding words. Materials for 32 word pockets.